Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tour Dates

I keep getting questions of where am I exactly going. . . so here goes:
March 3rd ~ Special PR event in Hsin Chu, Taiwan
March 4th ~ Special PR event at the Mirimar Mall in Taiwan
March 6th ~ Speical PR event for China Motors in Taiwan
March 8 - March 16 ~ Japanese rehearsals in Omiya, Japan
March 17 - March 22 ~ Omiya, Japan
March 23 - April 2 ~ Osaka, Japan
April 2 - April 5 ~ Hiroshima, Japan
April 5 - April 9 ~ Fukuoka, Japan
April 9 - April 16 ~ Yokohama, Japan
April 16 - April 30 ~ Tokyo, Japan
April 30 - May 7 ~ Osaka, Japan
May 7 - May 15 ~ Nagoya, Japan
May 24 - May 28 ~ Taipei, Taiwan
May 30 - May 31 ~ Taichung, Taiwan
June 3 - June 4 ~ Kaoshung, Taiwan
There's talk of us going to China after that.  Quite frankly, by then, I'll be ready to come home!

Not long now!

It won't be long now until I'm on a plane for Taiwan.  Tomorrow I leave Orlando around 6:00.
I haven't been feeling very well this week, so I'm not sure how the 14+ hour plane flight will feel.  But at least I won't be sitting on my bum at home anymore!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Project Runway and boredom

Yesterday, I watched television for 10 hours straight.  That's right, 10 hours.  Project Runway was having a marathon.  Since I've missed most of this season because I was in Mexico, I was jazzed.  So while doing some cleaning and packing around the house, I watched Project Runway.  I was hoping that I was gonna see the finale last night, but those bastards are gonna drag it out another two weeks!  GRRR!  Hopefully, Billy, a guy on my tour and resident computer geek, will teach me how to download it off of the Internet.
I've spent this week just chilling out at home.  Spending time with friends and my parents.  For the most part, it's been very nice.  It's been a long time since I just had "nothing" to do.
I'm leaving at 6:00 in the evening on Wednesday, March 1st.  It's crazy to think I'll be halfway across the world this time next week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

This is the first Valentine's Day in a very very very long time that I haven't been bummed.  True, I'm still single . . . but I love my job with Disney Live! and everything seems great. 
My Mom is a fantastic mother. . . I'm so very happy she's mine.
I know, I'm just rambling. . . I'm tired, and just happy.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Change in plans. . .

So today I got word that it looks like I'll be going to Japan early.  I'll probably leave now around February 25th, instead of March 6th.  Crazy huh?  or Lucky?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Home. . . for now.

I have come home from Mexico.  At first I didn't want to come home, after all, I just got on tour . . . but now that I've slept a night in my own bed. . . ITS GOOD TO BE HOME!
In four weeks . . . it's off to Japan!

Friday, February 03, 2006

(no subject)

This is my last week in Mexico. I'm currently in a city called Puebla.
I had my own little adventure yesterday. Our washing machine broke and I had to find a way to wash the show laundry before the show. Charlie and I got one of the front desk guys to help us out. Edwardo (front desk guy) and I walked two blocks down the street to a little hole in the wall. Here a woman washes and dries your clothes based on how much they weigh. Edwardo explained to the lady that I was with the Winnie the Pooh show that was in town and our traveling washer broke and that I needed these clothes washed, not dried, before our next show. Since they normally do a full service, wash and dry and it takes approximately a day to get your clothes back, Edwardo bargained that he would send everyone from the hotel I'm staying in to her if she would do this favor. Note that my Spanish isn't that good, but I can get the jist of conversations.
Anyways, the lady said she'd cut me a deal and let me wash it myself for $40 pesos. However, I didn't bring any soap with me . . . so why couldn't she do it? If she did it, it would be $50 pesos. $10 pesos is $1 US dollar. So we're arguing over a dollar here. I insisted that she do it, that way I could have a break and go get something to eat. After much deliberation, it was settled on $50 pesos and she would do it.
This week we've been doing some fun company stuff. We had a Pooh-B-Q (BBQ) with lots of tequila and another piñata. Last night we had something they call "in-shows" which is basically a talent show for everyone to show what talents they don't use in the show. Marion blew us all away with the help of Leo and Mark. It was so awesome it made my stomach hurt.
It's hard to believe that a week from today I'll be working shifts at SeaWorld dressing penguins again. But really, what else am I gonna do for an entire month?