but here I am with Hello Kitty.
And. . . . if an injured monkey gets on the subway, and you're sitting down. . . you should get up and let the monkey sit down.
I swear that's what it says! :o) The signs in Japan are very entertaining to look at.
After two years of being a "normal" person, I've run off to be a "roadie" once again. This time I'm with Sesame Street Live's Elmo Makes Music. "Coming to a neighborhood near you!"
Sumo Wrestling could possilby be the most fantastic sport ever. It's very civilized, and violent at the same time. The only thing missing was some trash talking. Kevin and I did our own commentary, when they would throw the salt down we would yell, "Your Momma!" Kevin learned how to say it in Japanese, but it doesn't really translate as an insult. Here's some more pics:
Alright, gotta run. Tony wants to go to lunch and I promised I'd go with him. Later!
Here I am after load out, boy was I dirty and tired. But look Dad, I'm using my gloves! Yay!
For giggles here's a picture of Marion.
I'm here in Taipei. The flight was horribly long, and I felt awful. . . but today I'm feeling pretty good. We're almost all over our jet lag, and we're excited about our PRs. (Especially Pooh. . . he was so excited this morning, he didn't even eat all his honey!)
Today we had a promotional event at Green World:
Pooh and Tigger had a great time. The children were soooo happy to see Pooh that they gave him a cake. Pooh and Tigger also gave the Make-a-Wish foundation 100 tickets to the show for when we come back in June.
Later Pooh got to give hugs to some of the kiddies: Soo cute!
I love my new digital camera, I'm so happy I could share this fun day with you!