What have I gotten myself into?
It is 11:55 pm here in Mexico City. I've just settled into my hotel room. . . Which is rather spiffy. But this so far, is the highlight of the trip so far.
Today, I left my loving parents and my home and flew AeroMexico to join the Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh cast.
My flight was to leave at 5:00 pm. We didn't leave until 6:00 pm. They overbooked the flight and tried to bump me until "manana" because I'm an American that is from Orlando. This of course was impossible being that they had people waiting for me at the airport in Mexico.
My flight was long, and boring. Thank God for the laptop. I watched the Wizard of Oz while the very large Mexican man next to me fell asleep and passed gas.
I was the only person that was American on the flight. I speak no Espanol. Everyone else did. It sucked.
As my plane started its decent into Mexico City, I pondered, "What have I gotten myself into?" "What am I doing?" "Oh my God, I'm about to land in a foreign country where I don't speak the language." And other fantastic thoughts.
When I got off the plane, I was met by someone to help me through immigration and customs. . . Thank God! However, my boss, Charlie is not being allowed into the country and we spent an hour in the airport of her explaining to me how to set up the show. . . by myself. I admire her professionalism. She drew me maps, and wrote a detailed outline the best she could under her amazing stress. She said they were holding her in a little cell like cement room. That must be so awful. . . . "manana" they are gonna fly her back to the U.S.
I'm feeling overwhelmed to say the least. My brain is giving me good and evils of everything. . . this is a new experience. . . this is miserable. . . . etc etc.
I am a brave brave girl. I flew by myself into a foreign country. I have to give myself that.
On a side note, this past week I have been getting stress induced migraines in my left eye. I've been eating Excedrin like candy. Anyone got any better ideas?