Right before we left Japan, we had a big party.
Here is me and Greg.

Here I pose with Masami. She was part of the Japanese team.

Crew girls!
Me, Krista, Ale, and Jessi.

Here I am with Shawn. We worked together on the props for the show.

Here is Jason.

Here I am with Jarred. Jarred and I held down Stage Right together.

We don't always get along.

Neither of us was harmed while taking this photo.
The Japanese love speeches.
Here is my boss, Jeremy, giving his speech.
Nax (in the background) translates.

Hiro (head of the Japanese team) gives a speech, he does his own translating.

Mark gives a speech. He was really happy to come back to the show
for our Japanese tour, he really missed it.

2006/2010 team
Here we are, the same people that were with the show in 2006 and in 2010.
Mark, Michelle, Rich, Myself, Sallie (in front of me), Sunny, Nax, and Kevin.